Grand Champion Monkey!
July 30, 20199.5 years ago, I started showing beagles. Well, a beagle. One to be exact. A VERY novice me, a baby puppy Abby (or Monkey to her friends), and a show world we really knew nothing about.
Fast forward 9.5 years, and over the past few years, my gorgeous friend Noosha has taken over showing Abby as I just couldn’t keep up with her anymore, and wasn’t doing her any favours with showing her to the best of her ability. My ability was certainly lacking, and Abby knew that and kept waiting up for me, which ruined her when the judges were looking at her. That’s when I knew if we were going to get this Grand Championship title, I needed to hand over the lead.
Noosha is amazing, there’s nothing else I could say. Well, there’s lots, but it all just amounts to her being amazing. She would come to shows, even when she wasn’t entered herself, to help me. Help me achieve this “dream” I had of my first show dog obtaining enough points (1000) to obtain the title. Freezing cold shows, late night shows, hot summer shows, she was there! I have SO much to thank her for. Because, without her, Abby would certainly not have got there.
So, I am immensely proud to introduce to you:
Grand Champion Baldev Blonde Bombshell

The judge who awarded Abby her final points, also awarded her Runner Up Best In Group. The judge was Ms Linda Field, a beagle specialist judge. From an early age when Abby was in Junior class, Linda awarded Abby Best of Breed and Junior in Group. I knew Linda loved Abby and thought it was very fitting and hoped that it would be her to be the one to award Abby her final points for her title. What a wonderful end to Abby’s showing career.
Abby is now neutered (what a semi retirement present hey!) and will make appearances at bigger shows, specialties, royals, specialist judges as a neuter, but she won’t be shown all the time. Fortunately, she still loves being out there, and being given her chicken nuggets. I feel it would be awful of me to leave her at home, when she still loves showing.
Thank you to all the judges who have awarded my beautiful girl over the past 9.5 years. A special thank you to those other handlers who have helped me handle Abby when I couldn’t.
She is one special girl to me, and always will be. What a ride and experience she’s given me.