No matter when it happens, it’s always too soon…
August 22, 2017
Where do I start?
The past few weeks have been tough, and at no stage did I think we’d have to be saying good bye to our sweet heart Leia, or Bears to us.
On the 17th August, 2017, the shining light in our lives, left us for Rainbow Bridge. Leia was 10 years, 8 months, and 27 days old. Of that, we got to spend 10 years, 7 months and 3 days with the most amazing dog.
She had a quirky personality, she was very vocal, her internal alarm clock for 4pm was just amazing – it was spot on every time!
When we went to pick out a puppy, it was Leia we chose. On the drive home, Andrew and I decided that we wanted another one and there were two left. Ricky and Sally. We decided to choose Sally and from then, they were together every day of that 10 years, 8 months and 27 days Leia lived on this earth. When we went to pick them up as babies, we asked which ones were ours and Belinda exclaimed “that one over there escaping, and the one sitting there barking”. Great we thought, what have we got ourselves into! Everyone told us we were stupid for getting a beagle, and crazy for getting two!
Fortunately for us, Sally and Leia were amazing dogs. They taught us so much, and their love and devotion for us was second to none. People always told us to get them used to “being apart” so they wouldn’t rely on each other. But, us knowing so much more than other people with our first ever dogs, decided we knew better and we let them be together. We got them so they could be together, it seemed stupid to separate them. The bond they had started from babies when we were told from Belinda that they were always together and she was glad they went together.
On the 19th January, 2007, our adventures into beagledom started. Sally and Leia are responsible for a lot of our life choices. We had to buy a bigger car and move from our inner city house to acreage. We’ve met some amazing people along the way, who we regard as wonderful friends. There was one particular special person who once told me, “Once you get two, then comes three, then four, then comes the van, then a bigger house, and before you know it… ” Here we are.
As Leia lied on her favourite bed from Grandmas in our back yard on a gorgeous winter’s day, we reminisced about her adventures in life, the beach trips, the farm visits, beagle walks, beagle camps, lurecoursing, Christmas in July in Gympie… I told her she was responsible for all of this as I kissed her gorgeous little face. The Beagle Bus, the acreage and the 9 other dogs that were lying around her as if they were forming some guard of honour. It was all for you Bears.
My fondest memories will always be of Leia at the beach and how happy she was. She was in her element, the wind blowing her ears back, trotting along through the water. It was her happy place.

I hope you had the time of your life Bear Bears, I miss you so much it hurts 🙁